
Thursday, February 28, 2013

some randomness

This pregnancy brain really has me all over the place.  I keep thinking about that Modern Family episode where Gloria stands forever in the Costco frozen food aisle trying to remember what she needed.  That pretty much is summing up my days :-)

1.  We find if baby is a boy or a girl on Monday?  Praying this baby isn't shy and is showing off that day because we are so excited to find out.  I added a poll to the left side of my blog...would love to hear your guesses. 

2.  We also close next Friday on our house so it's going to be a big week.  I'm working on not thinking about that to do list.   It's too long and daunting.   The type A in me had our move back in November to this rental all properly organized and color coded.  Now I feel like I'll just be walking out carrying my clothes in hand.  Maybe since Ashlee got the bachelor boot I can hire her to come organize this move.

3.  I'm a few weeks behind on my bump post.  I'm afraid their becoming boring, but I do want to remember some of this stuff.  Unfortunately, each time we've been up at the new house they've been working on the nursery so I have no pictures.  But to sum up the last week I'd say I was sadly mistaken when I was raving about my energy returning.  As soon as it returned it turned around and left.  Please someone tell me it comes back!!  But feeling lots of flutters which is so much fun.

4.  Loving that Duck Dynasty is back on again.  I just adore this family!  Also who else is excited that Celebrity Apprentice comes back on Sunday.  I'm excited to see some of the crazies back on this season...should be interesting.

5. Going back to buying a pregnancy pillow worth it?  They do look awfully comfy!


  1. nothing boring about your bump posts!! its fun to hear how things are going and how you're feeling and it will be SO fun for you to look back at in the future!

    i loved my pregnancy pillow!! so my vote is yes!!! totally worth it!

    so excited for you to find out pink or blue!!

    will be praying for you with the move ~ we moved when i was 34 weeks pregnant with dylan and it was exhausting. God must be storing up extra energy now to bless you with during the move! ;)

  2. i bought the preggle pillow when i had b. i was always hot with it and haven't touched it since. i just went and got a $10 body pillow at target and LOVE IT!

  3. Hey - I've never been pregnant past 4 months but I still bought me a PG pillow for the heck of it because they look amazing.. & I love it :) haha!!!

    My guess - have you had bad morning sickness? If yes, then I vote girl... if no, then a boy.

    So I cant click anything until I get an answer :)

  4. Glad you're enjoying the pregnancy so far!

    I borrowed a friend's pregnancy pillow and ended up not being able to get comfortable with it - but I know lots of people love it! If you are able to borrow one, or buy one used and cheap, I would go that route. I am 39 weeks today and I've just used lots of pillows the last few months to get me by. :)

  5. Answer to #5: Not worth it to me. The reason is that with a husband, a pug, and a boston T. in the bed the pillow is just too much. Plus, I am finding myslef very HOT and the pillow makes it worse even when the house is 67 degrees. But...while napping it is amazing. I have just used a tiny throw pillow to jam up under my belly to take the pressure off.
