
Sunday, January 27, 2013

weekend randomness

1.  I've been craving Chick-fil-a a lot, but why is it I REALLY crave it on Sundays.  Today nothing else sounds good just a chargrilled chicken sandwich.  I should get smart and stock up on Saturday.

2.  I ventured out to Target for the first time in forever.  Oh Target how I have missed you these last few months.  Of course I hit up the baby aisle and this might be TMI, but walked away with a breast pump on this trip.  Being at home I didn't know if I'd really get use out of spending the $200 plus on one, but y'all this was marked down to $74.98.  It was originally $249.99, was never opened and not even damage to the box.  I 'm still running on a high from this deal.  Love me some Target.

3. I'm playing catch up on netflix this weekend with some of my series.  I really need for them to add the last season of Pretty Little Liars though so I can start this season.  It's sad how addicting this show is.  Also, anyone watching Deception on far I'm loving it.

4. We've done a lot of house hunting this week.  Boy has gone completely above and beyond and done most of the house hunting labor of the last couple months to weed them down because I was in now shape or mindset too.  I was glad to feel up to it this week to go through the rest with him.  I realized I enjoy house hunting a lot more when I get sit on my couch and watch another couple visit 3 houses then make my pick for them.  Not as glamorous as it is in real life, but we've narrowed it down to 2 so I'm thrilled.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of your weekend!


  1. yay for baby purchases!! and super YAY for awesome deals!! =)

    what a sweet boy you have to spoil you so! ;) Hope you continue to feel better and that you're able to get into your new home soon! =)

  2. PLL is beyond addicting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. I got a deal on Target shoes that made me happy this weekend, so I know Target deals are fun & mood lifting. Yours wins the prize though :)

  4. I do the same thing about Chick-fil-a and Sundays. And wow, gotta love Target! Hope you are feeling great with your pregnancy.
