
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

book shopping

Time to talk books. 

Truth be told there's not much to my list this month.  I feel like the only thing I've been reading for the last few weeks is my sharpie handwriting on moving boxes.  But a few weeks ago, I was at Half Price books and saw "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls and picked it up because I remembered it being popular a few years back.  Let me say this book cost me a good few hours of sleep because I stayed up way into the wee hours reading.  I could not put it down.  Absolutely inspiring read and beautifully written.  It's going on my favorite of 2012 list. 


I also had ordered "Unglued" by Lysa TerKeurst which I can't even begin to say what appropriate timing this book came into place for me with the move.  But move or no move definitely a must read as well.  Also, a fast read too if your looking for something short and sweet.

I meant to add to my book shopping list last month the book by Sloane Crosley "I was Told There'd Be Cake" that I had read.  This book had me from the title.  Very funny and witty read.  I need to pick up her other sometime.

Well that sums it up for me.  What have you been reading lately?  I'm needing some inspiration for what to pick up next so do share.


  1. Hello! The Glass Castle looks good, I put it on my tbr list. Right now I'm reading The Boy In The Suitcase, interesting and keeping me hanging on til the end. I recently read Wild by Cheryl Strayed. I really liked this one, maybe b/c I live near the pacific crest trail. Good story about a woman setting her mind to do something and making it happen! Before that I read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Good but didn't like the ending! One of my fav books was Diary of a Mad Fat Girl and the sequel just came out, Happily Ever Madder! I'm reading this next!

  2. I just got Unglued on my Kindle .. it was on special one day so got it for like $2.99... I keep hearing about it.

  3. I've read & enjoyed all those books. You have great taste.

    I'm re-reading one of my all-time favorites from a few years ago: "The History of Love" by Kicole Krauss. It's even better the third time around. I highly recommend it. xo
