
Sunday, October 28, 2012

the view from here

our house has been on the market for awhile. after two contracts falling through and numerous showings i told boy i was done. he asked for one more month. i begrudgingly said yes. and two days later we were under contract. 

in a few short weeks we will be saying goodbye to our first home.  we'll be loading up and moving to a rental for six months while our house is being built.  it's so bittersweet.  we're not only leaving behind a great house that saw us through our first years of marriage, but also leaving behind the best neighbor's God could of ever blessed us with.  i hate goodbyes.

so this is becoming my view that's multiplying daily.  i started out going "this is going to be the most organized move ever" and had a list of what was in each box and everything was nice labeled and numbered.  and now it's "throw that crap in a box and tape it up!!".

my view from behind the baby gate.  the pug's are a bit unsure of all this.  i keep reassuring them not to worry, the food bowls and the sofa are coming with us.

in the meantime, i'm heavily relying on my dark chocolate addiction to keep it together.


  1. Moving is never fun, but you have a lot to look forward to with the new house! Congrats!

  2. Good luck on the move! I hate packing!!

  3. oh how i feel you on the boxes & moving! but congrats on the house selling!! =)

  4. Yuh, feel your pain. We took our house off the market after a year of showings also. Never once got a bad comment of our home either so it was very frustrating. Good luck with the packing! More chocolate, STAT.

