
Monday, September 3, 2012


Well hello.

Happy Labor Day!  Happy September! and Happy Back to School!  I meant to spread these out a bit, but this past week something knocked me off my feet and according to webmd it could have been about 42 different alliments.  Is it West Nile, flu, allergies, bug  I need you to tell me webmd right away.  Thankfully lots of sleep and Army Wives on the Netflixs did the trick.  I'm back and feeling 100%.

Did you also know this past weekend was opening hunting season weekend?  I failed to write this down or care so I didn't put two and two together until earlier last week when boy asked if I knew where his rifle cleaning spray was.

Oh yeah, you know since I'm using it all the time.  Not.

Which made this quote I found on pinterest even truer.

On a totally different subject, please tell me you are watching Big Brother?  Is it not the best season ever or what?  Some years I'll kind of turn on Big Brother's Showtime special just to see if anything exciting is going on, but this year it's like my bedtime story so much going on.  I'll be sad to see the season end in a few weeks!


  1. oh big brother is good!!!!!!!!!! But I am getting kinda mad about what is going on right now but that is bb

  2. this season of bb is out of control!!! and there is sooo much more that goes on than what they show...the live feeds are ridiculous! who are you pulling for?!

  3. I about died laughing at that photo!!! I am Courtney, Lauren Kelly's friend, that hosted the 31 party. I don't think she got back with you about the question you had :( Shoot me an email The new fall catalog just came out. I can't wait to now get caught up and read your fun updates.

  4. I am enjoying BB. The kid who has been wanting to be on it since he was 10 has been entertaining. Dan's trickery was pretty good, too!

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