
Monday, June 4, 2012

hello again

Hello bloggy world...bless your heart if you still read this.  I've been terrible about blogging for the last few months.  I'm afraid to even open up my google reader and attempt to dust off the cobwebs.

I just realized it will be 5 years this month that I started this blog.

Goodness is that possible?

Let's see what have we been up to lately...

I caved and have been watching the Bachelorette this season.  What is wrong with me?  And what is wrong with some of these guys?  Now I'm hooked and I'm just going to have to ride this crazy train out.

We hit the lake this weekend.  I had boy take me tubing.  Now I can't walk.  Thanks to the fact I'm getting older and boy's definition of "don't drive too fast" is completely different then mine.  It ended with me flying through the air smacking into the water so hard that I almost lost the bottom of my swimsuit.  Thank goodness my eyes were closed the whole time because I'm sure it all wasn't a pretty site.  I see a trip to the chiropractor this week in my future.

Pug turns 7 this month.  And he's crazier than ever.   I type this as he's trying to jump on a table just to get my attention that it's dinner time.  I get it.

Our house is on the market.  This has been a fun experience.  We're looking at building not to terribly far from where we are now.  I'm just really tired of OCD cleaning my house everyday.  This one deserves a post on it's own.

I also need to do a book post.  Lots of reading going on during showings.  And I love a good book for the lake or pool.

So how are you?


  1. Yep - I'm totally sucked in the Bachlorette too... loved Emily anyways. Hoping this works for her. Odds are? Probably not :)

    Yep - give us a low down on your books :)

  2. Enjoy the crazy train! It provides some great laughs :)

    I need some book suggestions too. I'm in a rut for sure.

    Give pug some birthday hugs from us!!

  3. Congrats on the five year blogger mark. Not watching the Bachelor this time, although I would if my DVR would allow me more space. It seems that I am older and fatter and have been forced to excercise at night rather than watch on that :) I desperately need some new reading material so do tell. Good luck on your house selling. Lastly, Happy Birthday #7 to Pug!!


  4. I love when you do book posts! I usually buy them all and love them!!
    Thank you, I have been waiting and waiting...laying out will now be enjoyable!!
