
Friday, April 20, 2012

items may appear larger in store

a few months ago i was doing some shopping in kirkland's, which i love, and saw sitting all by it's lonesome self on a very very tall shelf this gorgeous lantern.  i'm in kind of a lantern phase right now, and just loved the look of this one.  i commented on it while checking out and the lady said it's the only one and said it has some damage.  originally, it was like $150 something ridiculous like that and it was marked down pretty good, but i was in a rush and passed on it.

i still thought of it though.

and a few weeks later, i made my way back into kirkland's to get a gift and low and behold there it was sitting in the same spot by itself.  so sad.

while checking out i asked again how much it was and it was discounted down even more to hardly anything. 


it's missing a side, but who cares for that price.

i guess this lantern and i were meant to be.  so i load it up and bring it home and notice something.

it's really big.

like ginormous.  here's pug, being bribed by a treat, to show you how tall it is.

it either grew on the way home, or the shelf was a lot higher up than i thought and need my eyes checked. 

when my husband walked in the door he asked "are the british coming?"

but i love it still!  i have some led candles on timers in it, but need some bigger ones that i'm on the hunt for.

 gotta love a deal that's meant to be.


  1. I think it's very purty...but i especially love Boy's reaction! Hee hee.
    XO, Lu

  2. Oh my gosh... you dont realize how big it is until pug is next to it... but its pretty awesome! :)

  3. hahaha! I laughed out loud at your husbands comment "are the British coming?" too funny! :) But I love the lantern! :)
