
Monday, February 13, 2012

a snort interview

well we had to dust off our winter coats here in texas yesterday.  we got a bit of snow yesterday...if you can even call this snow?  gotta love texas winter's, 60 degrees one day, 25 the next.  and of course if you opened the back door there were two pugs that came to a screeching halt and having nothing to do with this.  so spoiled with their warm climate.  

speaking of pugs.  sweet pug payton gave our lil' blog an award.  it comes with a little interview, so here goes.  the boys wanted to know if it also comes with a treat! 


1. Name your favorite activity. 
eating, eating...oh and eating 

2. Name your favorite treat. 
  i'll have whatever you're having.
3. What ticks you off?
"60 minute's" ticking clock
4. When you’re upset, what do you do?
scream like a little girl

5. What makes you indescribably happy?
when someone comes for a visit...oh and eating.

6. What do you do when you are excited?
hop up and down and scream like a little girl

7. What is your biggest fear?
not eating
8. Describe your everyday attitude.
large and in charge

9. Name your favorite toy.
whatever one landry happens to be playing with

10. Name your favorite place to sleep or nap. 
the back of the leather chair where i can keep a close eye on everyone.


1. Name your favorite activity. 

2. Name your favorite treat.  

3. What ticks you off?
animals on the tv; lately the cat from the target jason wu commericals

4. When you’re upset, what do you do?
do a cry/howl

5. What makes you indescribably happy?
 someones lap to sleep on

6. What do you do when you are excited?
wag my tail

7. What is your biggest fear?
trash bags, squeaky toys, magazines, mom vacuuming

8. Describe your everyday attitude.
super happy and content

9. Name your favorite toy.
my stuffed kansas jayhawk mascot

10. Name your favorite place to sleep or nap.   
in mom and dad's bed...what can i say i love to cuddle.

because i can't just pick a few of our friends to pass it on too, i'm going to pass it on to all of our 4 legged little friends.  thank you so much again payton!

1 comment:

  1. Snow in Texas? That is so rare. Mom remembers one time it snowed when she lived in San Antonio so they let all the students outside to see it. Thanks for sharing your answers, pug and landry. Hope your mom gave you a couple treats for being such good sports. Happy V-Day!
