
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

happy new year

happy 2012 everyone!!  over the last couple days it feels like everyone i've run into has asked how our new year's was and then they follow it up with did y'all do anything exciting?  define exciting?  they usually have some awesome new year's adventure to share and i'm hesitant to tell them i rang in the new year just as lame as i have over the past 2.7 decades.  a good chuck of those new years were spent babysitting with the kid's sound asleep upstairs and myself parked in front of the tv watching TVland and now i think the only thing that's changed since then is the shows on TVland and i'm not getting paid 10 bucks an hour to watch it.  bummer.  now, truthfully, ours is spent lounged in front of the tv doing absolutely nothing and y'all it's pure bliss.  i love a quiet and relaxing new years!

for the past few years on the blog instead of posting a resolution of something i'm going to do that year, i post a fashion resoultion of something i'm going to avoid that year.  i'm proud to say i have not yet once broken a resolution.  i've had the bump-it, shiny leggings, and crazy shoes.  this year was a bit tough.  i was thinking i was going for the safe bet of the drop seat footed pajamas.

but then over the last few weeks i've noticed an increased selection of ponchos hitting the store racks and frankly it's making me a little nervous. 

their being sneaky about it too, calling them capes, but i'm not fooled.  it's a poncho.  so dear friends i will not be sporting a poncho or dusting off my poncho from the gap circa 2003 when i was fooled into thinking it was cool then too.  nope not going to do it in 2012. 

image via here


  1. Happy new year!

    I COMPLETELY agree on the cape/poncho thing. No thanks. LOL

  2. Good idea about the poncho. I don't care what they try and call them, I call them UGLY!

  3. Happy new year pug and landry! Since I had to sport pjs over the holidays, you might want to ask girl to be a part of this fashion post...just in case.
