
Thursday, November 17, 2011

city loving

Earlier today I was headed to downtown Fort Worth for an appointment.  I love downtown Fort Worth it has so many amazing shops and restaurants. Sadly, we just don't head that way all the time because a trip from the 'burbs to the city means lots of traffic, one way streets and frankly we've gotten lazy over the years.  We've hit that point where we opt for ordering in in our pj's, rather then dressing up and hitting the town ha!

As I was heading that way a sweet friend of mine called and said "hey I'm headed downtown do you want to drive over and meet for lunch and shopping?"

Couldn't have been better timing.  Love a spontaneous get together to catch up and chat.

We grabbed a bite at Reata, one of my favorites, and then walked around shopping.  While we were shopping I also realized this month marks my 15th anniversary as a Texan!  Crazy how fast time goes.  My family and I moved here from Chicago.  It was quite a weather change as well as an accent change.  Didn't take long for me to pick it up though and make "y'all" an every day vocabulary staple.  Today made me realize how truly thankful I am to be a Texan.  I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

Unless it was Fiji.

Then I think I might be able to go for that.


  1. How fun! I really want to visit Texas...maybe if it ever happens we could have a meet up with pug :)

  2. As much as I love Chicago, those winters are killer! A major reason we don't live there. I got it...Chicago in the summer and Texas in the winter! My mom used to live in San Antonio and has very fond memories.

  3. I love downtown Fort Worth too! I work right off 7th St (by Montgomery Plaza) so I'm always close to downtown. And I love Reata too. It's my husbands favorite :)
