
Friday, August 12, 2011

apparently you can fry just about anything

my mailman just brought me the latest issue of one of my favorite magazines ever!

i heart the food network.

boy was looking through it and found an article on fried foods.  the fair lover in him immediately got excited, as well as his college age metabolism.  me not so much.  my digestive system started hating me a few years ago, so i finally caved and realized no item of fried goodness is worth the awfulness that would follow.  but being the good wife that i am i had him pick out a few things he'd like to try and gave it my best in the kitchen.

he choose strawberries & oreos.

do you know how hard it is to slave over a hot stove making a fried oreo that smells too good to be true and knowing you're not going to get to savour it??

i told boy he can present me my wife of the year trophy now...i'll have my speech prepared.

so here's how it turned out.  boy said the oreos where his favorite and the strawberries just were on the weird side. 

i'm sure his dreaming up what treat i get to fry for him next.

happy FRYday everyone!!


  1. We get that magazine at our house too, and I think the remote must be busted cause the food network is always on! It wouldn't be so bad if I'd get some of the food, but sometimes the torment is just too much for a pug to handle. Like the looks of those fried oreos and strawberries...YUMMY!
    PS. My mom says you definately deserve wife of the year.

  2. Oh my gosh! How bizarre! This makes me laugh a little...just being honest :)

    BUT at least you tried something from the magazine. I usually get those magazine and nothing gets cooked from it. I'm a poser i guess

  3. I heard on the Today Show that some fairs are selling fried cubes of butter. Disgusting.

    Glad boy liked his treats. What a nice wife you are!

  4. My mom called last night to tell me about this. Years ago we were shopping and stopped for lunch at a place that had Fried Strawberries. They were amazing. She was so excited to share this!


  5. I'd like to feature this post tomorrow, would you be alright if I used the last image. Let me know


  6. I've had and made fried oreos! They're really disgusting but also so tasty.

  7. Oh my! I keep wanting to try the fried Oreos at the State Fair, but the funnel cakes suck me in every time.

    Props to you for using the mag recipes. I'm like Maggie - I always keep them (because they look so delicious) but rarely use them!

  8. Haha, fried strawberries? Super weird. :)
