
Friday, June 10, 2011

today's smiles

1. the mavs won- i'm not so much the pro sports fan as i am with college sports, but it's fun watching them do so well.  hubs is on cloud nine!

2. fresh strawberries- ours store's selection has been so picked over for the last few weeks so i was thrilled to see tons today in the store.  and love my little strawberry stem remover...whoever invented this thing is a genius.

3. an empty laundry basket- enough said!!

4. freshly painted toes- i ever so gracefully tripped over a ginormous hose in the home depot parking lot this week (how i spent my teen years in pointe shoes still amazes me) and hurt my back.  i'm thinking it was my purse that weighs a trillion pounds that did it oh and boy laughing hysterically at me didn't help either.  so after a long day i headed over this evening to get a polish change on my toes JUST so i could sit in one of their awesome massage chairs.  i curled up in that thing and could have stayed all night.  now my back feels better and my piggies are pretty in pink.

5. a lazy weekend on the horizon.


  1. Have a wonderful lazy weekend, friend!!! :)

  2. Those are great things...well, except where you tripped in the parking lot! Have a great weekend!

  3. so im guessing you were cheering on the mavs as they beat the thunder? :( mmmmm strawberries. i'm not sure what i would do if my grocery store ran out. other than seek out the manager and proceed to flip. out.
    gosh, i need a pedi so bad i'm refusing to talk about it.
    happy weekend!!
