
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

book shopping

let's talk books, shall we?

pool season is just weeks away and i cannot wait to grab a book and lounge by the pool and try to tan my paleness away.  i'm hoping you've got some good pool read suggestions, because my to-read list is dwindling fast.

here's a few things that i've read lately that i highly recommend.

"Black Heels to Tractor Wheels"-this would make a great beach/pool read if you need one yourself.

"One Thousand Gifts"- beautifully poetic.

"Breaking the Silence"- thanks Erin for the recommendation...could not put it down!

"House Rules" also good.

"The Art of Dancing in the Rain"- my book swap buddy loaned this to me and so far loving it.  i have a strong feeling i'll be needing some kleenex the further i get into it.

so what's been on your list?  i have to admit i really am digging any chick lit and a good ole' patterson like mystery.  for some reason i always like to read those by the pool to drown out the screaming kiddos ha!

also find me here on this site!


  1. I LOVED The Art of Dancing in the Rain. You will need kleenex. Just saying. :)

    I really want to read Black Heels to Tractor Wheels!

    If you haven't read the Millenium Trilogy yet, read those! They aren't "light" reading, but the mystery-ish story line sucks you in!!

  2. good Chick lit..Something Borrowed, the movie is coming out soon. There is also Something Blue, He Loves Me, He Loves me Not, and a couple others.
    If you haven't read Water for Elephants, I highly recommend.

    If you check out my blog I rate the books that I have read, on the side.

    I can't wait for pools, laying out, and relaxation ;)

  3. I don't know you if you like Nora Roberts but I'm currently reading the Sign of Seven trilogy (just finishing the first one) & it is really good - mystery with some romance mixed in. The Born In trilogy is good too.

    I agree with Something Borrowed and any Emily Giffin book she is great!

  4. Chick Lit?
    I'm more of a memoir girl, but I'll bite anyway.
    I'd say "The Help" is a must-read, but you've probably already devoured that one.

    If you were into memoirs, I'd send you rolling through the pages of "Lit" or "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" -- the latter is exactly as it is titled. It's by Dave Eggers, and if his fiction is anything like his memoir, I might return to fiction reading. yeah. He's calling me back into that world.

    I'm spending a good bit of time in Anne Lamott's "Travelling Mercies" which I think you'd like. It's an honest, bare, raw look at faith. And her writing is musing and conversational.
