
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dr. McSoda

Over the last year or so I'd been contemplating switching our primary care physician. I hate filling out paperwork though. But my itch for a switch came when our normal PCP converted half of his practice to cosmetic procedures and it then became much easier to get Botox injections then a Z-Pack. There's my sign...oh and I should clarify I don't get Botox either.

So, I was ever so pumped when a new doctor's office building opened up so unbelievably close to my home I could crawl to it the next time a sinus infection decides to rear it's ugly head. Oh happy day. I called to set up some physicals as a meet and greet and they were so precious and sweet on the phone. I nearly kissed them through the phone when they told me I'd always see the doctor. What a REAL doctor? I'm sold.

We showed up our filled out paperwork in tow and y'all are gonna fall off your chairs when I tell you this. They asked if we'd like a coke. Say what? "Someone pick boy up off the ground". Sold, where do we sign up.

With the physical I had some blood drawn and with this fancy new doctor's office and it's free cokes comes a brand new nurse. Bless her heart. She was shaking and then I was shaking and then she couldn't find a vein and then she did and then she decided to count to 3 when she was going to put the needle in and I'm sitting there praying she'll stop counting to 3 because the room is getting smaller by 2 and by 3 she might have to pick me up off the ground.

After 3 failed attempts and some mighty bruises on my arm we decided we'd do this over a free coke another a year or more practice.

And that's how I found my new doctor and his free cokes.


  1. I so hate needles! 3 Children and 3 epidurals later and none of it gets any easier for me! I get the shakes just thinking about missed times! So sorry friend!

  2. needles blow, but being a serious coca-cola addict, as it makes me nicer during the work day, i'll sign up for that doctor's office!

  3. Oh, I have such a needle phobia. Usually I have to lay down or I pass out or throw up. The nurses love me! LOL! I wonder if you can request a little rum in the coke next time?? ;)

  4. Oh..... free cokes would make up for the needle, haha!!! I'd so be sold myself, haha!!!!

  5. With good comes bad... even in shaky nurses!

    I'd give anything for a great doctor close by... I have to drive 40 minutes to get to my doc... BOO! And NO COKES either!! DOUBLE BOO!

  6. I definitely like this new trend in healthcare! I am so terrible to get blood drawn with my tiny veins-YUCK!

  7. Oh my goodness. Free cokes or no, I think the repetitive needling would have sent me out the door. I don't do so well with needles. The last time I had to have an IV I passed out cold before they could get it in my arm...

  8. nice. im surprised it wasnt a diet coke...since, you know, it's the drs ofc and all.
