
Monday, April 13, 2009


Hi bloggy friends!

I'm a little late on wishing you a Happy Easter, but from the bottom of my heart I pray you had a wonderful day spent with family and friends.

We were off at both of the parentals this weekend having a great and relaxing time. Now I'm off to begin the unpacking. But first I might have to hop on the treadmill to jump start working the 2009 Consumption of Peep's/Reese Peanut Butter Eggs off.

They're everywhere I look. And beware they are delicious.


  1. Oh my word I know they are EVERYWHERE! Can I send you the rest of mine - I need them out of here! Ha!

  2. I'm so bad... I went out to find the Cadbury eggs marked down 50% off yesterday... talk about needing the treadmill!!!

  3. Girl, I so hope you had a wonderful Easter and great time spent with family. Better late then never is my motto :)

  4. Popped in from Carrie's to say hi. LOVE your blog!

  5. Temptation, that's all Easter candy is. I blame the Easter bunny, for some reason he keeps bringing bags and bags of M&M's!
    Happy Easter to you!
