
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April showers bring May flowers and some hail damage.

During one of this year's spring storms we had some hail and now need a brand new roof. You know... it's a lot more fun shopping at the Gap then it is for a new roof I've found. But every roofer in the great state of Texas has flocked to our area so a day has not gone by where I don't receive 2 doorbell rings, 5 flyers on the door and a few mailed ones as well. I kind of miss the folks that use to just try to sell my carpet cleaner.

So, today the door bell rings and thinking it's the UPS man I rush to the door and open it. I should have looked because it was not. And as I open the door a nicely dressed man has his back towards me and is picking something up off my front stoop. He turns around and I notice he is holding up a knife.

WHOA!! I'm not even joking that that's all I could muster to speak.

This is it, I'm thinking. I'm going to meet Jesus today! I also have not showered, have no make-up on and need to shave before I end up on the 5 o'clock news.

But then I notice this poor man who is just trying to sell me a roof is more terrified than I am as he begins to think what he thinks I'm thinking. And then I start thinking and remember seeing boy out there yesterday doing yard work opening up fertilizer with a pocket knife.

Praise the Lord. I'm going to get to shave today.

Luckily, we burst out laughing at how this all looked. I felt bad because how embarrassing to have knifes lying around your flower beds. I'm sure that's frowned upon in the HOA rules. I'm thinking it's also probably a good thing we don't have children yet either. We're going to have get a little more responsible.

So, boy got a sweet little text: "Honey, don't forget to pick up your knives".


  1. ha! I'd definitely have freaked out, too!

  2. So funny! It would have FREAKED me out as well! Glad you can laugh about it now.

  3. haha. wow. I would have peed my pants!

  4. I would have wet my pants I do believe! Funny though about the 5 o'clock news and not shaving!!

  5. We got hail damage here in GA too from a storm last night. Your story about the knife is hilarious {thank goodness it actually became a laughing matter!}.

  6. This is too funny! I am cracking up that you almost met Jesus on a "no shower" day!!! :)
