Monday, December 8, 2014

we gobbled then we wobbled

Yeah so I realize Thanksgiving was almost two weeks ago, but I figured since this seemed to be my kid's favorite holiday so far (we had him at food) I should get this day posted.  We had Thanksgiving with my side on Thursday and then headed to boy's side for Thanksgiving on Friday.  This carb loving kid was all over this.

He was more then ready to eat by this point.

Big Daddy gave him a hammer to tide him over.  Big Daddy and boy are playing toss with the stuffed Winnie the Pooh (poor pooh)!

A tradition my parent's started with me when I was young was that you write a letter to Santa on Thanksgiving and then put it outside the door and he comes by in the middle of the night to collect the letters.  We started last year with Declan.  I filled in his letter this year.  Declan's always saying num nums for food and knew that had to be on his list, but boy and I had a disagreement between is he actually saying yum yums or num nums so I compromised and put both.  Then we put the letter for Santa in the window sill.

On Friday we spent a good portion of the day outside at boy's Aunt's enjoying the beautiful weather, but also playing with the dog.  Declan is all about dogs these days and one that chases a basketball was mind blowing for him.  I guess he wasn't accustomed to being around a dog that didn't sleep on the sofa all day ha!

Hope everyone had a relaxing and yummy Thanksgiving too!


Rebecca Jo said...

My kinda kid - a carb lovin' boy! :)

I so love that tradition of writing the letter to Santa on Thanksgiving! Genius!

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