
Sunday, November 23, 2014

cancer stinks

This week we lost a dear friend, who was also boy's coworker, to a courageous battle against cancer.  She was 33 and had an 8 year old son.  This week my mother in law started chemo for her battle against uterine cancer.  The irony of one battle ending and the other beginning within hours of each other are not lost on us.

You get a lot of unsolicited advice when you join the mommy club, but I always held tightly to my friend's pearls of wisdom.  Hers was always just raw truth.  No fluff.  She knew her days were numbered and had managed to sort through to what really matters and I'm so grateful for her sharing that with me.

Boy was also in Arizona on business most of the week.  This picture about sums up the week.  What an awesome gift FaceTime is, but my goodness how rough it is on a one year old when you hit the end button.

Oh and to top off the week, Friday night boy was giving Declan a bath and after I cleaned up the kitchen I went into our bathroom and just sat on the floor in an exhausted haze.  As I'm sitting on the floor boy hands me Declan and somehow Declan lunged forward and boy lost his grip and Declan lands right on my face.  And I hear a crack.  The worst sound ever.  My nose is broken.  Just the icing on the cake for the week.  Our ER nurse neighbor came over to examine the damage and tell me what to do.  I'm not as swollen, but still sporting a pretty bruise.  So, this thanksgiving I'm incredibly thankful for smashbox's heavy duty concealer. Oh, and that our Christmas family portraits are done if I'm being truthfully vain.

1 comment:

  1. Oh mercy... your poor nose!!!!
    Doesn't it seem like everything goes in spurts where EVERYTHING is wrong & messed up :(

    You are so right - cancer just sucks. Royally. 33? That's awful... sending the best for your family starting chemo... awful.
