
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

twelve months

dear declan,

oh sweet boy i'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that it's been one year since you came into this world and we got to hold you for the first time.  what a year it has been. that's one year of snuggles.  one year of your sweet smiles.  one year of staring into your beautiful blue eyes.  one year of calling you mine.  this past year has been everything.  you are our everything and the years before you somehow don't seem as meaningful or worthy as this last year has.  i have these simple moments that i try to grab hold to remember forever.  like when it's just you and me and you grab my cheeks with your chubby fingers and stare into my eyes and you smile so big and coo so hard and i can't help but think it doesn't get any better then this. and if it does i don't think my heart can take it.

at 12 months, little man, you are filling out weighing around 21 pounds and sporting 12 months clothes.  enjoy those dimples on your legs now, because once you hit 30 no one will be gawking and ahhing at them then.  you wear a size 4 diaper.  you're also babbling up a storm.  we've gotten mama, apple and bubble out of you speech wise.  your poor daddy has been so patient and so eager for you to say dada.  you're so close though.  you've really taken off this month crawling around and exploring your surroundings.  i love watching you discover new things like the door catchers.  thru your little eyes those things are just the coolest and it's precious to see you figure it all out.

we celebrated your birthday with lots of family and close friends.  everyone couldn't wait to see you dig into your smash cake and you didn't disappoint.  you did exactly what i thought you would, sort of take your time and be cautious about it and then on your own time dug into it.  it was a precious moment.  

you've blessed our lives so much sweet boy.  happy 1st birthday declan!!

all my love,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Declan! I love when your Mommy tells you that everything before you feels unimportant now! That is what the love of a child does to parents---little one, I think you lucked out in the parent department!
