
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

pug turns nine

I remember people telling us how the pug's were going to take such a backseat once Declan arrived.  I was like, no way not my pugs!

And then Declan arrived.

And there may have been a day or two over the last 10 months were it's three in the afternoon and I can't figure out why I've got to pugs on my heels, while I'm pacing the house trying to sooth a fussy baby to sleep, looking at me so pitifully.  Oops I forgot to feed them.

Thankfully, their very forgiving.  Give them a treat and they'll pretend it never happened.

Which brings me to today, pug's 9th birthday, which I find it both a miracle that I remembered and that we are celebrating his 9th what with all this dog's craziness and daily shenanigans.

Pug, my fur-born, 9 years later you're still keeping us on our toes.  We love you dearly and our lives would be so boring without you.


  1. Happy birthday pug! I hope you get an extra treat, and maybe, if you're lucky, and extra meal if your mom forgets that she already fed you this time. ;-)

  2. Ahhh happy birthday to The Pug man!!!!
