
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

first mother's day

Whether you're a mama with 50 years of motherhood under your belt, a new mama, maybe even a mama to be, or a mama with some four legged fur babies I hope you felt the love and Happy Belated Mother's day to you.

 (Declan's gift to grandma...butterfly footprint flower pot)

It's tough work y'all.  And tiring.  Real tiring (hence why this blog post is like 3 days late).  I love this kid more than I can anything, but I am just so gosh darn exhausted.  I always promised myself I wouldn't play the mommy comparison game, but in today's world with the blogs and just everything being so "in your face" it's really hard to take it in and not go "um excuse how do you have it all together?"  Because it's a blessing if I get a shower in before noon and a round of high fives if no one screams at me from the other side of the glass shower door.

I have a whole new appreciation for you mamas after these last nine months, so I really do hope you got a much deserved nap this past weekend.  I had an amazing first mother's day.  The whole day was a surprise starting off with me getting to sleep in then some family time in the morning.  We then dropped Declan off at my parent's.  At first, I was a little taken back that Declan wouldn't be joining us, but hubs goes "you desperately need a break".  Oh how right he is.  So we spent the afternoon relaxing at the Botanical Gardens and dining at my favorite lunch spot Panera.  Simple yet perfect afternoon date with the hubs.   Then we headed back to my parent's for dinner. 

I may be running on fumes and my shirt is covered in snot, drool and Lord knows what else, but oh how worth it to wake up to this sweetness every day that made me a mom.

 (sucking on his big toe...the kid is ubber talented I tell you)


  1. Glad you had such a great day!

  2. Ahhh - your first Mother's Day - that's so exciting :)

    Mmmm... toes must be delish :)
