
Monday, October 14, 2013

weekend wedding

I've apparently fallen off the blog bandwagon once again.  We've had a busy few weeks all done on little sleep.  Anyone want to come sleep train my child?  Any takers?

Boy's BFF got married this weekend and boy was in the wedding so we loaded up and headed out of town.  And when I say loaded up we literally had our car filled with everything except the kitchen sink.  If I could have brought that along I would have. 

So off we headed for middle of nowhere Texas, seriously it was out in the boonies.

He did fantastic on the drive down sleeping the whole way.  Then checking out the digs at the swanky motel.  A motel with a ceiling fan.  Forget two star ratings my kid was sold at the ceiling fan.  He slept like a champ for once... o we will now be moving into a best western permanently  (no he didn't sleep like that).

Despite the fact it was so hot and humid oh and rainy too Declan was such a trooper and quite the ladies man at the wedding. 

I have to add a few pictures of the ranch that was owned by some friends of theirs.   The barn were the reception was held. 

And here it is at night.  The antique chandeliers had me drooling.  Such a gorgeous rustic wedding...looked like it fell straight out of pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that a cute reception place! Totally Pinterest inspired!

    So how many ceiling fans have you installed at home now? :)
