
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

the bodyguards

Well the pug's have accepted a new position around here.

The unofficial baby bodyguards.

They take this very seriously too.

I was really worried how they would handle this whole transition once Declan came.  And honestly, the first few days were rough (no pun intended).  Boy had taken them a hat from the hospital that Declan had worn to get them familiar with his smell.  Pug was the only one really interested.  Then when we came home from the hospital Landry wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.  He was ticked I left him for 3 days to be spoiled by the grandparents.  And the midnight feedings and crying was all new for them, but after a few days they warmed up and realized this kid wasn't going anywhere.

It's super sweet and I'm thankful they adjusted so well and quickly.  Rarely, will you find this baby without his entourage.  Even when he's snoozing in his rock n' play a pug is snoozing right by. 

I wonder what they'll think
we they learn this new thing will eventually become mobile and pull on curly tails?

And speaking of pugs.  Y'all know we love the DFW pug rescue, that's how Landry came to us. Macy's is doing a Shop for a Cause and by donating $5 to the DFW pug rescue here you'll receive a 25% off coupon to use at any Macy's on the 24th of this month.  So shop away for these sweet pugs!!


  1. Yay for the pugs adjusting well :) Oh and by the time he is mobile they will be used to him and "prepared" for his adventures haha.

  2. They have such an instinct to protect - I love it...

    but wait until Declan is old enough to pull on the hair & ears & tails :) May change

  3. That is the sweetest thing, a boy and his pugs. I'm so glad they are all getting along.
