
Monday, August 19, 2013

one month

dear declan,

you're one month is that even possible?  i have moments were i can't even remember what our lives used to look like before you showed up.  i do remember a lot of sleep being involved.  sweet boy you have completed us and we are so blessed to call you ours.    

thanks for your patience this past month as we get the hang of the parenting thing down.  i know you're appreciative that the whole diaper changing business is going faster as we've learned to work fast to not get soaked.  you're a cuddler.  i'm trying to savour the days as i know this stage will pass us so quickly.  i love our moments in the glider where you curl up into a little ball on my chest and we rock.  please don't grow out of that too fast.  you're still our little peanut.  you're 7.5 lbs and 20 inches long.  you're wearing newborn sized diapers and are still in newborn clothes.  everyone told me not to get too many newborn outfits because babies grow out of them so fast.  it was the opposite with you.  i had to run out and buy you more.  your feet are huge so your newborn footie pj's aren't working out so well.  you're eating every 3-4 hours and waking up twice in the night.  you are a strong one...lifting up that cute head and rolling over at 2 weeks.  you love that paci of yours and riding in the car.  we are just loving watching you explore your new surroundings each day.  you're a happy baby most of the day, but you do have your moments.  case in point this outtake.

 we are smitten with you!

all my love,


  1. What a little squirt! Thanks for sharing. I'm loving the updates. Much love to you, boy, pugs and grandparents. xoxo, cousin M

  2. Aww, this is such a special letter. It is evident that Declan is cherished.
