
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

adventures in registering

I have to be totally honest.  The whole registering thing totally overwhelms me.  Before I was pregnant it seemed fun and then that first trip into a baby store when your pregnant makes you want to grab a boppy and curl up in the corner of babies"r"us and cry.  And then take a nap because walking around any store preggo is exhausting. 

Although we've had one shower and received quite a few things for Declan I still thought it be fun and not to late to enlist the help of you awesome blog mama's for some advice.  I'd love to know what was the best thing you registered for and the thing you wish you hadn't because it never got used.  With 50 different infant tubs and a gazillion pacis on the market it's a bit stressful so hopefully this will help some other preggo mom that stumbles upon this too.

I have to add ironically, that I didn't register at Babies"R"Us or Buy Buy Baby.  I feel like a preggo rebel breaking the code.  I ended up going with another physical store and then (have loved using for years and I just feel like free shipping is a huge plus and their 20% off first orders to the gift giver is a huge score).

So spill mamas...


  1. Get a plain-jane, no frills pack & play. You don't need the other stuff. I've never even taken the extras out of the box...and my oldest is 2.5 yrs old. A tip my friend gave me: measure your doorways and get one that fits through the door. You never know when you will need to roll a sleeping baby out of a room or just move the whole thing without taking down the sides. Not a big deal, but helpful :)

    We weren't crazy about the bumbo. Our girls never really used it. I know some people use it tons. Personally, I like bouncy seats better and I never fed them in the bumbo.

  2. I just wrote a blog post on my favorite baby thing! Http://

    As for what you don't need: a million blankets. Get a few good ones (see my post).

    Good luck!

  3. Come over to win free diapers, books, wipes and a lady bug star light! Cool stuff on the blog .... only took me 9 months to blog again :)

  4. Halo sleep sacks are probably my favorite baby invention ever! We registered for and received a foam sponge like mat that you can bath your newborn on. That was a waste. We used it once before upgrading to the tub he can slouch in. You can just lay your baby on a towel for the first sponge bath or two. Oh, one thing I didn't realize were how many burp clothes you would need! And the thicker the better. We go through about 3 a day!

  5. The Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper was the most amazing thing ever in the first few months. I had the baby by the bed sleeping in it and it was so easy to scoop her out and feed her in the middle of the night. Also it is light and easily portable so I would take it everywhere in the early days when visiting so that baby could sleep in a familiar place and I moved it all over the house to wherever I was. Definitely worth the investment!!

  6. You do NOT need a wipe warmer. Because they're not portable, so if baby gets used to warm wipes at home they scream in public when they're not warm. Ask me how I know. haha!
