
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{27 weeks} & {28 weeks}

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you wonderful mamas, grandmothers and mamas to be!  I had such a special 1st mother's day.  Boy treated this mama-to-be like a queen, my family did too and then I had so many wonderful friends text/call to make it that much more special.  I just felt so blessed by all the love and encouragement our precious friends provide me.  I hope you had all had a good one too.

I combined the last two bump updates.  Sorry I hope these aren't getting too boring.
How far along?  27 weeks
Weight gain: about 20 total
Maternity Clothes?  yep, still able to fit in some pre-preggo tops.
Stretch marks?  a few...very worth it though.
Sleep?  pretty good this week. 
Best moment of the week?  sonogram!!  we even got to see Declan yawn during it.  best moment ever!
Food cravings?  root beer and hummus
Symptoms?  declan is still really hanging out low so i'm having some pelvic pain.
Gender?  baby boy named declan!
 What I'm looking forward to? the sonogram appointment and seeing his sweet face.  did find out that he's breach right come july i may have to whip out some hand stands.

(let's be geniuses and take this by the garage while i face the sun)

How far along?  28 weeks
Weight gain: about 20 total
Maternity Clothes?  i heart maxi-dresses!
Stretch marks?  a few...very worth it though.
Sleep?  ugh not so much.
Best moment of the week?  seeing his nursery come along...can't wait to show you!
Food cravings? trader joe highbrow chocolate chip cookies (oh goodness do i love these)
Symptoms? feeling pretty good.  i have started having some braxton hicks late at night.  i think that's why sleep hasn't been so great this past week.
Gender?  baby boy named declan!
 What I'm looking forward to? celebrating boy's birthday on the 13th, mother's day, going on a hospital tour and celebrating my birthday on the 20th.  may is a busy month for us.


  1. root beer & hummus... yep, you're pregnant :)

  2. You look great! Hope baby boy flips around soon.
