
Monday, April 29, 2013

{26 weeks}

How far along?  26 weeks
Weight gain:  no idea...feeling rather hippo-ish.
Maternity Clothes?  bring 'em on!
Stretch marks?  a few..very worth it though.
Sleep?  not much.  i ran out and bought a boppy maternity pillow yesterday.  one word: heavenly.
Best moment of the week?  baby boy had some hiccups.
Food cravings?  gardettos and turkey sandwiches from mcalister's.
Symptoms?  declan is hanging out low so i'm having some pelvic pain.
Gender?  baby boy named declan!
 What I'm looking forward to?  taking it easy.  we had a super busy weekend and i'm looking forward to just getting some stuff done around the house. 


  1. You're so beautiful!!! My pregnancy pillow was like my bestie in my last pregnancy ~ LOVED that thing!!

  2. You are looking FABULOUS!!!! Loooooove the bump!!!! XOXO :)

  3. Looking good! So glad you are feeling movement and enjoying the ride. I never got one of the preggo pillows because I would have gotten WAY too hot, but good golly they are comfy. My friend's husband ended up keeping it for himself after her pregnancy and sleeps with it to this day! Just find that hilarious.

    Kitty+Coco Momma (due in 7 days!)

  4. So exciting to see how things are going!
