
Sunday, April 21, 2013

{25 weeks}

{25 weeks}

So better late than never on the bump posts right.  I totally applaud my fellow bloggers that have been so on top of these.  Maybe next time right :-)  Thanks to finally finding my tripod and my two, always helpful, pugs here's this week's bump.

How far along?  25 weeks
Weight gain:  no idea...I think in total about 15 lbs.
Maternity Clothes?  for the most part all maternity clothes.  still rocking pre-preggo yoga pants and tanks, but loving the whole world of maternity clothing.
Stretch marks?  a few..very worth it though.
Sleep?  what's that'd be great if I wasn't having to get up 6 times a night to pee.
Best moment of the week?  had our first baby shower
Food cravings?  papa john's breadsticks, strawberries and turkey sandwiches.
Gender?  baby boy named declan!
What I'm looking forward to?  holding this sweet baby and finishing up his nursery. 
Thoughts?  I was telling hubs this week that I finally get what expecting mother's are saying when they make the comment about them being okay if their babies just want to hang out in the womb forever.  Watching the horrific bombing in Boston and then witnessing the devastation in West (especially it being so close).  I get it.  It's a lot easier to protect them and keep them safe in the womb.  So, I'm getting a glimpse that God is going to be taking my faith and trust to a whole new level with this little one and while he does we'll continue to wrap those in West & Boston in our prayers.


  1. You are sooo cute!! Love your baby bump!!

    And you're sooo right...God definitely uses motherhood to grow us & our faith in so many ways. I've had several tough discussions with the boys surrounding the tragedy of last week and i just wish i didn't have to!

  2. Breadsticks... that's a good craving to have!! :)

    Hey - I have stretch marks too that are NOT worth it :) haha!
