
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

on finding out

Happy New Year's everyone!   For us New Year's day = Football for boy and endless HGTV for me.  As I type this I feel a real need to move to Hawaii or better yet win the dream home this year.  A girl can dream.

Thank you all for your sweet comments and well wishes on the baby!  I am so terrible at keeping secrets that I struggled to blog during the month of December because every time I sat down to post all I wanted to do was tell y'all.  It was a long month.

It's so fun to sit back now and see God's hand in all this.  We get asked a lot, was it planned?  After 7 years of marriage yes it was very much planned.  We have prayed and longed for this baby and to be honest by October I was in pure frustration mode.  First part of October we had a contract on our house and we thought maybe once we finished building and moved in it would happen.  The type A in me needed a well organized plan and that one seemed to work.  So, we moved in November out to our rental.  I should mention again this rental was minutes from my parents in the cutest town, but not super close to boy's work.  He thought it'd be fun to live out here for the six months of construction and put up with the commute.  We hadn't started construction on the new house and about a week of being here I secretly started to love it.  I loved the small town feel, no traffic and hey it has a Chick-fil-a.  It was perfect.  I didn't make this known to boy because he was the one with the drive so I kept my mouth shut.  About a week later out of no where boy said "I really want to live here...I really want our kids growing up in a town like this" (we didn't know about the baby yet).  He knew I loved it, but we decided to pray about it for a week and go from there. 

Well during that week something felt off.  I was thinking it was just the move or everything smelled, but one morning while boy was out hunting on the land with my dad I decided to find out. 

And that positive sign couldn't have popped up any faster than it did.  I screamed so loud I scared the pugs.  The hard part was waiting for boy to come home in a few hours.  But thankfully he got home early and while I was trying to get him into the bathroom to see the test and record it, he informed me he felt we really needed to be in this town and so on the drive back he cancelled the contract.  I love the timing of this.  He finally figured out why I wasn't fussing over his news when he saw the test and I love that I was able to get it on my phone.  Completely priceless! 

We told my parent's later that day.  I was 5.5 weeks finding out and later that week I found a doctor in our new town that I adore and had our first sonogram and the best part...hearing the heartbeat!!  Amazing!

Bless you if you have read all this.  I wanted to catch you up on finding out and explain why I might be giving birth in a cardboard box come July because we haven't found a home.  It is so true that we plan and God laughs!


  1. Congratulations!!! What a fun story! God is so good all the time :)

  2. Just so so thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. what a FUN story!! You are too cute!! I'm sooo excited for you and yes....God just has a funny way of reminding us who's really in control!!! What an exciting year 2013 will be for you!! =)

  4. If you give birth in a cardboard box, just remember where Jesus was born :)

    I'm sure it'll all work out

    So excited for you!!!!!

  5. Love the story and the picture is awesome :)

  6. Love this post so much!! :) I'm so very happy for you!!

  7. OMG! I've been way behind on my blogging, but YAY!!!! I am so excited for ya'll! And I seriously can't wait to hear how much Pug will pout once the baby arrives!

  8. congratulations! can't wait to follow along!!

  9. I loved reading this and so happy that you are figuring out what/where you are supposed to be.

  10. What wonderful news! Congratulations on the baby and how everything fell into place!

  11. Small towns are great places to raise kids (especially in this day and age). Having grandparents nearby makes it extra special. Good news is: Birth will be in July so at least it won't be cold in that box!! LOL!!! I'm sure all will work out.

  12. Congrats, congrats, congrats! I can only imagine how hard it was to not spill the beans. Blog land is funny like that. It's hard keeping secrets, haha.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  13. So happy for you!!! Love your picture as well. I'm preggo too (due around May 15), so maybe we can be fellow preggo pug blogger Mom-to-be's together? work pants are TIGHT. Hoping the Gap comes through and ships out my new pants with a quickness.

    Kitty+Coco Mom (Lauren)
