
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

happy turkey day!

Thanksgiving completely snuck up on me this year with the move and add in the fact that it's been in the high 70's this week and everyone's walking around in shorts, well it just didn't seem possible we're ready to prepare a turkey feast already.  Our family has so much to be thankful for this year, with boy's health earlier this year to the house, that I could sit here all day and write a sappy list.  But I'll spare y'all.  Instead I'll share some of the forgotten "thanks" on my list to kick off the holiday!

1.  I'm thankful for not breaking anything when I tripped on some stairs in a home under construction.  That's what you get for snooping in a spec when the sun is going down.  Also, thankful no one saw me but boy.

2.  I'm thankful boy offered to take pug to the ranch overnight to hunt earlier this week.  Yes, please!  I'll back his bag.  Landry and I were able to enjoy the peace and quiet catching up on some Bravo recordings.

3.  I'm thankful for our neighbor that helped me chase down both escapee pug's and then carry one home for me.  Bless his heart.

4. I'm thankful for cable.  Although, I need to add in I am not thankful that our new provider, Att&t U-verse, doesn't carry the Hallmark channel.  What's up with that?  Do they not realize I live for Hallmark Christmas movies starring forgotten 80's child star actors and Golden Girl reruns? 

5.  I'm thankful that I have no idea if Christmas cards will get sent this year or that I haven't even made a dent in my Christmas shopping.  Actually it's I'm thankful that it's not keeping this type A girl up at night more than anything.  Ask me in 3 weeks, might be a whole other ballgame.

Happy Thanksgiving sweet friends!!


  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hope the pugs get some pumpkin. :-)

  2. Happy Turkey day hehe, I hope you all (and the pugs) had a great day :)

    Lea x

    It's Such A Wonderful Life -

    Why not check out my Christmas Yankee Candle giveaway?
