
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

birthday pug landry

someone turned 3 today!

it also marks just a little over a year since we failed at the whole pug foster family thing and called the rescue organization saying sorry but he's home.  so we're also celebrating landry's one year with his forever family.  this pug has brought so much love and joy into our house and made us such big encourager's of dog rescue.  we couldn't recommend it more.

since it was a beautiful evening (and we had a showing) we took the pugs to the local dog park to run off some energy. 

while all the other small dogs ran around and chased pug hung out at the watering station by himself and then took that as an opportunity to roll around in the grass and mud that had piled up by the bowl.  one guy leaving with his dog said "he sure likes to roll doesn't he".  what can i say, he walks around to the beat of his own drum i tell ya.

i told boy i felt like pug was that one kid in the classroom that likes to eat glue and everyone just sits around disgusted and amused.  then we sprung to catch pug before he rolled down a small hill.

so, thanks to pug landry got a birthday bath too!


  1. Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day Landry! Payton had some atypical traits too, that's what made her special like Pug. :-)
    I don't think I told you, we are adopting from a rescue, Pug Hearts in Houston. His name is Donald. We get him next month. Squee!

  2. Baths on Landry's birthday? Poor guy. Siblings always get you into trouble! Happy Gotcha day to Landry!!! Coco seems to be the glue eating kid also, at least in Kitty's eyes. She looks at Coco with the most disgusted glare sometimes as if she has totally embarrassed her. Funny.

