
Friday, September 21, 2012

adios summer shows

With our slight obsession of all things Big Brother, and now that that's ended, I think it's safe to say summer tv has officially ended.  Our Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings have consequently freed up so we can reunite with society too!  I thought it'd be fun take a moment to dedicate this post to recapping all our summer 2012 favorites.  Honestly, it was sort of slim pickings so we also picked up a few new favorites from Netflix too.

1. Obviously, Big Brother, having watched for the past 12 years I think I can honestly say this might have been my favorite season ever!  Especially, when it comes down to the end it seems the last few years you kind of had an idea who would win or a bunch of floaters were left so it didn't really matter, but talk about a suspenseful ending!  What did y'all think?  As far as game playing goes I think Dan deserved it, CBS should just cut Dan another check for raising the ratings this year ha!  It's just a game, I think a lot of jury votes voted personally.  Hopefully, they go back and watch and forgive Dan.  Ian's a sweetheart and was so fun to watch this year.

2. Duck Dynasty- We discovered this over the summer during a marathon and it did not disappoint.  Hilarious!  I heard it's back on this fall so we are excited to see more of Si!

3. Breaking Bad- I wasn't so sure about this one, I felt it was too "guyish" at first, but after about 2 or 3 episodes I was hooked.  We streamed it off netflix and I'm afraid to tell you how fast we can manage to go through a season when we stream.  This was one of those shows that we'd rush home and eat dinner in front of the tv and watch. 

4. Happy Endings- I don't know how we missed this one because we watched all the stuff around it like Modern Family.  I stole my SIL season 1 copy after she kept talking about it and we loved it.  Very funny!  Kind of a cross between HIMYM and Friends.  I'm anxious for season 2 to come out on DVD.

I really just highlighted the ones boy and I watched together.  I'd loose you on this post if I started listing on the Housewives, Decorating and Drama shows I've tivo'd and devoured on my own.  I have a very unhealthy relationship with Bravo.

So that wraps it up, what were some of your summer favorites?


  1. Love Happy Endings... cant wait for it to come back.

    You really wanted Dan to win? I was so glad he didnt... though he held the interesting side of the show, I didnt want him to win again. Glad Ian got it - but I was rooting for Frank the whole time so glad he won the fan favorite

  2. oh...big brother. i'm always kind of sad when its over! this season was REALLY good and i'm torn on the whole Dan thing. On one hand i hate how far he went with things sometimes but the guy played hard the whole summer and you can't fault him for that!! but i felt sooo bad for danielle & shane! they are making a go of it outside of the house so i hope it works out for them!! i want to try out for the show soooo bad ~ probably in a couple of years when the baby is a little older! =)
