
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

sleepy & dopey

I couldn't muster up the energy to blog yesterday.  I'm still getting over a broken heart from Monday night's Bachelorette, even if I did see it coming thanks to the spoiler blogs.  Secretly, though, I was hoping they had it all wrong and Emily and Sean would go running into the sunset together and live happily ever after like all the other's from previous seasons.

If she chooses skinny jeans over race car my head might explode.

Anyway, back to real life with it's real problems and such.  A few weeks ago I sort of noticed pug having a hard time seeing things.  He's 7 and the thought of him loosing his sight is just so heartbreaking.  He'd jump on Landry not seeing him and bark at stuff in the dark if he was confused.  I was thinking cataracts so I called the vet to set up an appointment for this Monday to see what we could do.

Monday rolls around and our sweet vet is trying to get a good look and wants to do some kind of tear test and of course pug is having none of this.  Big shock there.  The vet asks if we'd mind coming back tomorrow and giving him some sedation before we come back and try it again. 

This should be interesting.

It said it takes about 15 to 20 minutes for the sedation to kick in, well we found out it takes like 2 minutes when we gave it to pug and he tried to jump on the ottoman and missed.  So we headed to the vet.  They were able to do the test and thankfully it's not cataracts, just some scarring.  Apparently, this is pretty common with this breed and age.  Unfortunately, we can't undo the damage, but some drops everyday will help keep it from getting worse.

Pug was having a hard time just embracing the happy place he was in.  He kept trying to walk around which made for a very entertaining vet's office as he wobbled around and bumped into stuff.  Bless his heart.  The lady in reception asked the nurse if that was the same pug they were talking about that had to be held down to look in his eyes on Monday.

Yep, the one and only.

So, we loaded our sweet pug up and headed home where we spent the rest of the evening trying to keep him from rolling off the sofa, carrying him around to his water bowl and even holding his leg up while he tt'd.

That's some true pug love there.

If you've dealt with eye issues on your pug or dog, and have some tips I'd totally appreciate it. Thanks!


  1. oh poor puppy! he is so adorable by the way.

  2. No eye advice for pug here but had to comment on the bachelorette!! SO wanted the spoilers to be wrong ~ what a sweetheart Sean is!! Totally cracking up at your nicknames for them....its hard to see her with either of them long term but skinny jeans just doesn't seem ready for the whole husband/daddy combo. Looking forward to seeing how it all goes down! :)

  3. Pugs aren't that graceful to begin with so I bet that miss on the ottomin was pretty funny. Glad that his eye sight won't get worse with the drops. Payton was a lot more barky as her eye sight declined, but even when she was almost blind she had no real problems getting around. I think Pug will get used to his changes in vision soon.

  4. Yes, I definitely have advice for eye issues. My Boston T. has glaucoma and some other long word dry eye issue that requires twice daily drops and ointment. My advice? Don't panic. As Payton's Mom said, Pablo will adjust. Kitty did pretty quickly. The best thing to do is to establish a phrase to signal eye drop time and reward with a treat (at least in our experience). Kitty now lines up on her own for the drop and plays like a mad woman with no real issue from the vision loss other than a milky looking eye. Admittedly, it is not easy to see their eyesight deline, but you are on top of the situation. Let us know how he does!

  5. My foster Quincy was seriously vision impaired before he came into rescue but did just great in learning how to get around. Isabelle is losing her vision but still can see some. If you are offered cyclosporine, ask about Optimmune instead. It's a gel and works so much better than cyclosporine drops. More expensive, but better.
    A friend's pug went blind very suddenly and has not adapted well at all. One tip I gave her was to use different scents to give a signal. Such as green apple for the tops of stairs or other places of potential danger, lavender for furniture if he bumps into it, etc. That can be a challenge when you are trying to sell your house, but remember that a dog's sense of smell is stronger than ours. So it may fade for human noses, but not dogs. For my friend, I also recommended acupuncture for anxiety. Sierra is having a terrible time with being blind (as well as other issues) and is very anxious. If your Pug is not as anxious, you might try a DAP plug in or collar to help his stress level.

    Good luck.
