
Thursday, June 7, 2012

book shopping

With the house on the market and all the showings I've gotten quite a bit of reading done.  I've made it a habit to keep a book in the car at all times because I'm usually so exhausted from doing a quick vacuuming of the house, rushing to turn on lights, and wrangling pugs into the suv and would probably completely forget one if I didn't.  So the upside to all the crazy showings is my reading nook aka my car. 

Here's what I've been read.  Some are memorable and some are forgettable and as always just my opinions.


"Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn-  I loved this book.  It's so creatively written and really addicting.  It's suspenseful and full of twists and turns.  Great beach read.

"50 Shades"- Forgive me but I did not love it and really wish I had not been talked into it and bought all 3 before I figured that out.  I know I'm kind of alone on making that statement, but the riskiness of it got old fast.  Probably my biggest complaint was how it was written.  It just felt like reading a really far fetched Lifetime movie over and over again and the typos throughout the book drove me crazy.  I know who am I to judge my blog is the king of spelling mishaps, but I'm not a New York Times Bestseller.  So, my apologizes if offending anyone just my two cents.  Thankfully, I sold them on ebay and broke even so hooray for that.

after I washed my head out with soap I picked up...

"Lethal" by Sandra Brown- I'm pretty sure this was my first Sandra B. novel and I have to say I get how people are hooked.  Loved the read...I may have to pick up another of hers...any suggestions?

"Skinnydipping" by Bethenny Frankel- I adore Bethenny and picked this up thinking it would be a good light read and thankfully it was even better than I had hoped.  Really well written...her quick wit that you see on tv is really picked up on the pages.  It's her first fiction and the story line is very loosely based on her own background.


"Then Came You" by Jennifer Weiner- Also first time reading this author and although not very far into it I'm really enjoying it. 

"Between Shades of Grey" by Ruta Septeys- Not to be confused with those other "shades".  Completely different read...this is a young adult historical fiction.  Beautifully written and would highly recommend adding this to your must read list.

So, what's on your nightstand, kindle, or if you're me...the car?  Love getting your great suggestions!


  1. I like Jennifer Wiener...

    I havent read 50 shades of grey yet - but keep hearing that - that the writing is awful. Glad I didnt waste my time on it.

  2. Ahh! Thanks! I've been looking for some new books to read!

  3. Love the book reviews! Thanks! I've held off on 50 Shades and don't think I'm missing much! I'm currently reading The Oak Leaves by Maureen Lang, it's pretty good.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Great that you linked in to Books You Loved. Have a great week.

  6. I visited because of your link on "books you loved june edition" glad to see your review of "50 shades." I haven't given in and read it yet - and probably will be less likely to now.
