
Monday, May 21, 2012


We're coming off our 2 week high of birthday celebrations.  Boy turned 30 on the 13th and I turned 28 on the 20th.

It's convenient...your chances of forgetting the others birthday is pretty slim.

Once the first part of May rolled around I honestly started stressing about the whole 28 thing.  Then I went to the dentist and the hygienist asked if I needed a note for school.

Oh, God Bless her.

Although, I might need to be concerned about her eye sight though the next time she's digging around my mouth.

Anyway, boy asked what I wanted to do for my birthday and my response.


I wanted to go to church Saturday evening and then lay around all day on Sunday catching up on our tivo'd shows and finding a new series to watch on DVD (we picked "Breaking Bad" jury is still out on this one)

Then my parent's stopped by and we all went out to my favorite Greek restaurant because I needed a good pita and hummus fix to jump into being 28.  And we followed it up with cake.

Actually cupcakes in cones.  I think I've requested this dessert for my birthday since the age of 4.  I love them and this year's were extra special because boy made them.  It was so sweet.  After a quick lesson on working a mixer he did a fabulous job and they turned out delicious.

Then followed it up with some drama from the Housewives of New Jersey and finally getting around to reading this book and I was one happy birthday girl!

I couldn't ask for more!


  1. Nothing is great sometimes!!!

    Looks like your birthday was wonderful!!!!!

    Enjoy 28!!!! What a fun age!!!

    & a doctor's note? I'd eat that up!!!

  2. Happy belated birthday to you both!

    My husband just started watching Breaking Bad. It's a bit too intense for me. He was watching it on my iPad last night while I was watching The Batchelorette :) haha

  3. Happy Happy Belated Birthday!!!! You have to let me know how the book is....I am super curious!!

    Love Pug's expression in the cupcake picture ha ha!


  4. Happy belated B-Day!! (I'm a bit behind on my blog reading (and posting too for that matter.)

    Oh, to be 28 again!! LOL - Enjoy it!

    I love Breaking Bad - we've been watching it since the beginning. I know we shouldn't condone such activity but the show is really captivating! I love those Jersey housewives, too!

    Happy viewing.
