
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

tuesday randomness

1. previously titled monday randomness because i wrote it yesterday, but then forgot to post.  i'm so bad about that.

2. i ventured out with the pugs this weekend to check out a newer dog park.  this lasted all of about 10 minutes then pug crashed a family's little picnic and landry got the runs.  so we left.

3. while at the dog park, a man across the fence in the "big dog" area asked if those were my pugs.  i paused for a few minutes before answering thinking to myself...maybe...what'd they do? ha  he was looking to get a pug and i was super happy to hear he's going to give our local pug rescue a call and look at adoption.  hooray for dog rescuing!!

4. my tivo recording is complete...real housewives of new jersey is back on.  bring on the leopard print and ridiculous drama please.

5. boy and i discovered the app draw something and all it's awesomeness.  the highlight has to have been boy's clue for the singer rihanna, featuring an umbrella and everything y'all.  very proud.

hope you enjoyed your monday and have an even better tuesday.

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