
Sunday, April 1, 2012


1. happy april's fool day!  i was going to tell y'all we're getting another pug, but pug was very against joking about that.  he's still convinced anytime someone new walks thru the door that their taking landry with them.   how about y'all any pranks pulled?

2. thank you for the sweet comments on boy.  so thankful for your prayers.  he's doing much better, but still recouping and catching up on sleep.  we're also not used to having someone not come bouncing in the doors every five minutes to check some vital of his.  it's very refreshing.

3. y'all know i love my kansas jayhawks, but i went fully prepared into last night's game that we might not win.  total surprise...rock chalk!!  we are very excited for tomorrow's game.

4. i'm working on updating my blog design.  maybe one day i'll get it up.  i so wish that i had taken a screen shot of every blog header i've had over the years.  i think it's been like 6 or 7 different ones and it'd be so fun to have them to look back on.  i'm also trying to organize the blog a little bit and finally get sweet landry's face up there too.

5. amc's "the killing" comes back on tonight and i can't wait.  if you haven't seen it you've got to run out and rent them.  anyone else a fan of the show?

hope you enjoy the rest of your sunday!

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