
Thursday, April 19, 2012


boy turns 30 in less than a month...YIKES!!  i'm not ready for us to be changing out the 2's to 3's.  thankfully he gets to go first and i get 2 more years to mentally prepare myself for this.  it's coming fast and i really want to do something special for the his big day.  i'm just not sure what.

thank goodness for pinterest.  lots of good ideas.  surprise party is totally out.  he's just like me where he doesn't even like restaurants coming out and singing "happy birthday" to you.  also, i'm terrible at keeping secrets, so i'd giggle the surprise right out.

i've even thought maybe just a small get together.  maybe with a little theme...i'd like to take an ode to "30 rock" theme, but that may be to girlie for boy?  or here's some fun other ideas.

or just celebrate the 2 of us and keep it low key.  so many choices!!  thankfully, i know he'll be happy with whatever since he's so laid back. 

i'd love to hear any ideas if you have them.  how'd you celebrate a big milestone birthday or any thoughts on throwing a fun one?


  1. Boy will love whatever you do, I'm sure. When my mom turned 30 (I wasn't around yet), her friends threwt her a surprise scavenger hunt all along the 30 bus route in San Francisco. She said it was SO MUCH FUN! My-Ryan (mom's man) is turning 30 next month and mom isn't sure what to do either. Hopefully both of you will come up with fun ideas!
    p.s. mom says her thirties have been lots of fun, so don't worry!

  2. Yikes, I feel the same on NO singing at restaurants, no surprises and that type of thing. My husband requested a dirt cake, which was his absolute childhood favorite (and hadn't had one in years). I called his mom and got the very same recipe, and put it in the very same dish that she used. He loved it. Maybe something simple like that?
