
Monday, March 12, 2012

book shopping

raise your hand if your tired.

it's such a beating this loosing an hour of sleep business.  if i only i could get my act together and go to bed an hour earlier.  but i will take it because i just love spring!

i'm loving the weather being warm enough to sneak outside for a little bit with a good book while the pugs sunbathe.  i always loving hearing your recommendations and what your reading so do tell.  here's what i've been reading lately:


"Defending Jacob" by William Landay  There's a lot of hype over this book and although I did like I just didn't love it.  Very well written courtroom drama, just couldn't get into.

"The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green
Had me hooked from the beginning.  But I can only recommend this book if you're prepared to shed a few tears or in my case a lot.  I read this one evening when boy was gone and literally just sobbed so hard I couldn't see the words on the pages.  But it's such a good book and so beautifully written.  This girl gave me a copy and I did send her a thanks for the tears e-mail when I was done.

"Postcard Killers" by James Patterson

Don't know why, but I was in the Patterson mood.  Can I be honest?  I dearly miss his early works over what's coming out now.  Just not the same.  There just doesn't seem to have any mystery.  I need to be surprised.  I think I keep going back hoping to get that old style and come away dissapointed.

And that's it on my end.  I think I need some chick lit to drowned myself in.  While were talking books has or is anyone reading the Divergent series?  Doesn't seem like my cup of tea, but neither was the Hunger Games and I loved it.


  1. oh, divergent. you just reminded me that it's in my amazon wish list so now i'm going to read it... ;) have you read sarah's key? it's a tearjerker but good nonetheless.

  2. Whew, my hand is raised! I have sort of odd reading tastes, but I am reading Women of the Silk by Gail Tsukiyama. Will be ordering more of her work. Also reading Prophet by Frank Peretti. Not my favorite of his books, but still worth reading. Preferred his newer book The Visitation over this one.

  3. I am rereading Joel Rosenberg's first series starting with 'The Last Jihad'.

    If you like political thrillers, you'll be hooked.

    I have a hard time finding things I really like. There's so much I just will not read.

    The pugs are just too darling! I hope to post about my new (not so new anymore) puppy--a Havanese, soon.

    Still enjoying your blog!
    teresa aka nonnie at

  4. So this is my first time to your blog so just write me off if you've already read these books.... My daughter is a 3rd grade teacher and recommended them right after she recommended Hunger Games, which was outside my box to begin with.... it's a series by Scott Westerfeld and begins with Uglies.... really a good series!

    P.S. Love the blog!
