
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the secretary desk

two years ago we had to move my grandpa into assisted living.  when moving him my dad asked if there was anything that i'd like to have.  the secretary desk in my grandparent's family room immediately popped into my mind and i asked if he mind if i held on to it.  i've always loved this desk and it holds many fond childhood memories.  there were many hours spent at this desk teaching my imaginary classroom or running an imaginary (yet very important) business.  i was thrilled to bring it home.

it needed some love though.  i even found the receipt in the top drawer from when they purchased it so many many years ago.  and every time i thought about how i could fix her up and make her look pretty again i began to hyperventilate.  normally i have no problems fixing up a piece of furniture, but the pressure of this piece overwhelmed me.  so it sat for awhile in a corner, naked from a quick sanding, while i dreamed of what she could become.

a few weeks ago my mom called and said she was going with a friend to dallas for an annie sloan class.  i was so jealous!!  i've been dying to try the chalk paints and when she asked if she wanted me to pick up some stuff for myself i jumped with glee at the offer.  i thought this would be perfect to do for my desk.

and so this weekend and some annie sloan paint and wax later...girl's got herself a new look.  and if i do say so myself she looks fabulous.

i absolutely LOVE this paint.  such a dream to work with.  although it's a bit pricey i think it is worth every penny.  i didn't even use a quarter of the paint can to cover this piece and it's matching chair.  it goes on so easy, covers amazingly well, and dries fast.  i used "old white" and "paris grey", then used the dark wax to give it a frenchy feel.  took an afternoon...that's all.  my mom and i are going to redo her guest bedroom armoire and headboard with the chalk paint and i can't wait to see how it turns out on a larger piece.

linking up with:
The Shabby Nest


  1. It turned out gorgeous and I'm so jealous!

  2. I was just looking at this paint today! I bought a sideboard with a hutch that needs a serious update! How was the wax? I'm nervous about the using the dark wax..

  3. Way to go! This turned out absolutely gorgeous!! I loved that you waited on her (the desk) and the timing to be right.

  4. Well done! I've been wanting to try that paint for a while. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Thaat's gorgeous! What a great job, and what a wonderful tribute to Grampa. WOW!

  6. Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post..
    busana muslim

  7. thanks for the demo, I like the paint color, and the desk. I've never used the wax.

  8. ohh i've been wanting one of these forever! love it.
