
Monday, January 23, 2012

book shopping

this past month i've been trying to finish up some books that i've had sitting around, along with some new ones too.  sadly, nothing has rocked my socks off so i'd love to hear what y'all are reading and get some inspiration.


"mockingjay" by suzanne collins.  i had read the first two from the series earlier last year and just never got around to reading the last one.  i pretty much agree with what most had to say about it, good just not my favorite from the series.  i just wish i had read it right away because for a little bit i was reading it and having a hard time remembering what had happened from the last one.  amazing series though if you haven't read it.

"the best of me" by nicholas sparks.  i really don't like being negative about a book, but this one wore me out.  so not my favorite of his.  sorry wish i could say i loved it.

"extremely loud and incredibly close" by jonathan safran foer.  i received this for Christmas and sadly had no idea it was book first.  i had seen the previews for the movies and am anxious to see it, but was so surprised i hadn't seen it on the bookshelves before.  absolutely beautifully written.  although can we rename the title to "extremely loud and incredibly sad".  bring your tissues for this one folks.

"the marriage plot" by jeffrey eugenides.  i picked it up because it's been on the bestseller list for so long, i thought surely this has to be an awesome read.  wrong.  just wasn't my cup of tea.


"safe haven" by nicholas sparks.  i know i'm diving back into the sparks.  i have had this for awhile and figured i give it ago.  so far i'm enjoying it much better than the last one i read.  well see though.

after i finish "safe haven" i'm lost, so would love to hear what's on your nightstand or kindle.


  1. On my list: Molokai (true story, looks interesting), Girl In Translation, Mudbound, and the Tiger's Wife.
    Also into the Hunger Games series, though I have ordered but not received Catching Fire yet. They have put me on back order. Bummer.


  2. I am in the middle of reading The Hungry Games series I really like Garden Spells everyone at the library checks out Robert Parker and James Patterson

  3. I just finished Water for Elephants... so needless to say, that shows you I'm a behind reader on the latest books :)

    I didnt know that was a book... I want to see the movie so bad, to which my husband says, "Why do you want to make yourself cry? You know you're going to be miserable"... true...

  4. I didn't know that there was a book of that movie first!!! I need to read that one!!

    Have you read the Hunger Games? The Help? The Art of Racing in the Rain? That one is a must for dog people!

  5. Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton is really good. Also, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is one of my favorites. Up next on my reading list is the Millennium series (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc)!
