
Thursday, January 5, 2012

backing up

we're doing our final christmas get together i'm still kind of in christmas mode even though i spent the first part of the week hauling up all the decorations into the attic.  i'm calling that my workout for the whole week.  i realized i didn't chat much about christmas on the blog.  it just flew by so quickly and we were so blessed to have such a wonderful time with family.  here our a few highlights from the festivities.

1. in case you were wondering what would be the worst day for your oven to go out, do not worry, i found it.  christmas eve.  of course it would go out that day.  it couldn't have gone out the week before or the day after, but that day.  fortunately we made do, but sadly it was a carbless/breadless/cakeless christmas.

2. pug took it upon himself to catch our christmas dinner at the in-laws.  he caught a bird.  i was mortified.  so was landry.  and that's why pug spent a good half of the day in a bath tub.

3. we had a blast playing tons of games.  we thought we'd be really good at the new logo board game, but we're not.  i think our downfall is our love of our tivo.  but it's still a really fun game.

4. the whole present unwrapping wasn't landry's cup of tea (he hid behind big daddy during present time) pug being the pro took over.  he is my little camera ham.  i'm also learning i now have to buy 2 of everything to make it's like children i tell you!


  1. I just have to say that is one of the best pictures of pug! Totally dreamy! Ahem, anyway... I was nervous about presents my first Christmas, but now go crazy to open them so I'm sure landry will come around. So glad everyone had a great Christmas! And I'm glad I won't be the only one talking about it in January...if the fog ever clears from my mom's head. Oh, well.

  2. Dang, Christmas without carbs is just wrong. That is something that would happen to us. So you fur REAL caught a bird?? Didn't even know a pug could do that. I'm shocked your mom wasn't thrilled. My pug sis is ever the scaredy pug and doesn't like the paper ripping either. Merry Christmas (late)!


  3. I bet many of us have our Christmas disaster stories. I recall the year when the pipes in our kitchen froze; hence, no water. Dinner was delayed about two hours while my husband and brother-in-law used various methods of 'thawing' the pipes. There was also the time our little town had a freak ice-storm, 'causing ice-laden tree limbs to fall on power lines all over town. Christmas afternoon, our power went off, and stayed that way for a week. We did get to eat Christmas dinner that day, but none of the leftovers.

    I don't think Pug could be any cuter! ;-)
