
Monday, November 14, 2011

wocka wocka wocka

I'm going to play catch-up a little on my thankful for list.  I was still relishing in my weekend...which brings me to the first on my list.

11.12 i'm thankful for...lazy weekends with no where to be.

followed by

11.13 i'm thankful store rotissere chickens.  is there anything better?  i'm thinking i could live off them.

and today

11.14 i'm thankful for...not waiting until the last minute and ordering our Christmas cards.  this might be a first for me.

On a totally different note, who's ready for the Muppet movie?  I am!!

My preschool years and probably far too into my elementary school years (if we're being honest) were spent living and breathing anything and everything Muppet related.  I have some fond memories of growing up with the Muppets.  So, I'm so excited to see they made a movie and I get to relive the days with Fozzie and Gonzo.  Did y'all have a favorite Muppet or Muppet movie? 

image via


  1. We had a great relaxing weekend, and celebrated some good news from the vet with a couple of extra treats. We can't wait for the Muppet movie too! My mom says she likes the shrimp. Oh, and the balcony guys and the Swedish chef and pigs in space. My Gammy used to do the chef voice for my mom...I'll have to ask her to do it so I can see what's so funny.

  2. yes i LOVE weekends too. so thankful for them. and rotisserie chickens are amazing and super easy!!! when does the movie come out. ha shows how much i watch movies.
