
Friday, October 28, 2011

the puglorette

well we got our own little bachelorette season going down over here.

meet the pugs new friend stella!

y'all this is the cutest thing i have ever seen.  seriously, how sweet is this pug?  my parent's friends/neighbors just got her and of course we had to meet.  she was the runt of the liter, so right now she weighs less than my iPhone and will probably not weigh anymore than 12 lbs. fully grown.

be still my pug loving heart.

she's just so tiny.

and the best part she squeaks!!

we had her over full a little "cocktail party" minus chris harrison, actual cocktails and roses at my parent's house.  the boys weren't sure what to think at first because she's seriously like a 1/16th of their size.  landry i think was the most smitten and she really took to him too.  pug was laying low, playing hard to get as usual ha!  We're looking forward to lots more playdates and maybe if we're lucky in the words of chris harrison "the most shocking rose ceremony in history" will be thrown in their too.


  1. ohh my gosh! she's soo cute!! i want her :) i love how tiny she is! keep us posted on the verdict of the rose ceremony ;)

  2. Oh my pug! It should be a crime to be that cute! Can't wait to see how/if she and pug play...

  3. I want a tiny, squeeky pug!!! :) She is the cutest!!!!!

  4. Oh my she is just so freaking cute! I want to bring her home ;)

  5. Oh my gosh, she looks so much like Penny did when I brought her home! She is only going to be about 12 lbs. as well. What a cute peanut! Love her :)

  6. OMG! So cute. I cannot believe how small she is.
    Love your book reviews.

  7. I'm with you, can't get much more adorable that her!


  8. Oh my! Makes me want another!!!!
