
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

a list for you

1. I cannot, nor do I think I will ever be able to, see a bottle of ranch dressing and not think of the SNL skit with Melissa McCarthy.  Pure hilariousness I tell you.

2. I need to update my blog header.  I am just going to keep the same name, but for crying out loud I at least need to get sweet Landry's picture up there.  His coat was a hot mess when we first got him and we are so thankful how fast he's healed.  Poor thing just needed some love.  Look at those pitiful eyes!!

3. Last week we were out at the lake.  If you can even call it that ha!

Can you say drought?  It's usually bad up until August or so where we can't get the boat out, but this year has been crazy and the fact that it's October and we're missing 9 feet of water.  Thankfully, we got some rain this weekend, so now we only have 7 feet to go.

4. Is it weird that I have never eaten squash in my life?  I'm trying to expand my picky palate and they're all over the produce section, anyone have any good recipes to try with it?

Have a great Tuesday y'all!



  1. Landry is just plain adorable! And my mom thought she should try squash too, but didn't like it! I hope you have better luck. You'll have to post a recipe if you end up liking it since I wouldn't mind having the left overs!

  2. Butternut squash soup is amazing. Especially with a bacon base. OMG. My dad makes a good one during the holidays. It is an Emeril recipe.

    I wasn't a squash fan either but I like it now. Typically I like it in things. Squash and pumpkin ravioli is awesome too.

  3. It's not bad that you have never eaten squash, I haven't either! Love your blog!

    Come visit mine


  4. I've never been a squash fan when I was a kid but I am absolutely in love with it now. You should definitely try it! Also, just wanted to tell you I came across your site a couple weeks ago from google-ing "ruffle curtain tutorial" and made one of my own. Thank you for the inspiration!! I loved it!!
