
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

gated community living

meet the real house pugs of their new gated community.

sadly, for them the gate thing isn't as glamorous as it sounds. 

but, trust me there's just as much drama as the show.

we had a baby gate originally propped up against that entrance and pug never messed with it, but we found baby bro's one negative and that's that he's was smart enough to figure out an escape route and taught it to his partner in crime.

 (poor landry you can't even see him...he just blends right on into the floors)

i figured if i have to invest in another baby gate i'm getting one i don't have to hike over all day.  so, with my toilet paper delivery i got to use my coupon for  on this gate; the internet is so handy these days.

now we're just counting down the days till they figure out where the pedal is to open it and take over the house.

oh, and i recently did another ruffle curtain.  this time in a queen sized sheet set and instead of a drapery i did a headboard.  if i can get my act together, i'll hopefully have an updated tutorial for you.

night y'all.


  1. baby gates are my best friends lol

  2. You had mom laughing so hard at the title of this post. I'm not laughing pugs got to stick together! I once figured out how to get out of my crate when I was a puppy so look out! Just think of the attempts to "escape from Alcatraz" as bonding time for pug and landry. Heehee!
    PS. My mom also loves your curtains and loves the idea of turning it into a headboard!

  3. Ah, the dreaded baby gate. Dad built a wooden one and stained it to matche our floors (same color as yours), so that I couldn't go in there to do a revenge poop from time to time. The nerve. It attaches to the wall on one side and swings out on the other with a latch to secure when needed.

    Can I be the Southern Sassy Pug of the group?

  4. I dread the day my dog learns that he can jump of the gate if he really tried. Until then, I am friends with baby gate.

  5. Hmmmm, I see the purchase of a new flash in your future.


