
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

bloggy book swap.a.roo

I've come to the conclusion that I can no longer hang on to that I read.  For some reason, I've always loved to have them on my shelves, a sort of trophy if you will.  But with all the reading I love to do and all the books I've purchased my shelves are looking a little crowded.

So, I thought since we swap book recommendations so often, why not swap actual books?

On Friday, September 16th I'll be hosting on the blog a {bloggy book swap.a.roo}!!  I'm very excited and hope you will join in.

How it will work:

1. Create a blog post on your blog listing the books you have for trade.  Feel free to include a picture, your own review, or even a link to or for us to read a description on the book.  You can even add on your post a few titles of books that you're hoping to trade in return for.

2. I'll have a linky up on Friday allowing you to post a link to your book swap.a.roo blog post.  You can then browse around each link and hopefully make a trade with a fellow blogger and maybe even find a few new blog friends. 

3. Ship off your books to their new homes.  I highly recommend that you send your books USPS media mail.  It usually takes 2-8 business days, but way more economical.  I've sent hardbacks for under $3 before.  So, please remember to request this option at your post office or if you ship from home.

A few other things to cover my thought in this is that we can find some new reads, clear off our shelves, and save a few bucks that we'd spend on new books.  Please only make trades with those that have blogs and please use the honor system in doing this.  Thanks!

Hope you'll join in and link up on Friday, September 16th!  I'd be ever so grateful if you shared this with your tweeters and fellow bloggers.  If you have any questions or suggestions give me a shout!


  1. what a cool idea!!! I need to go through my library now & see what I got

  2. This is a great idea! Totally participating :)

  3. Hope you get some great books in the swap!
