
Sunday, August 28, 2011

some randomness

1.  It's Sunday and we're still mourning Thursday's Big Brother episode.  You know you're too hooked to the show when you're still walking around baffled saying, "but she gave her the phone call home"!  It's crazy how fast this season has gone.

2.  So sad for those out there hit by Irene.  I'm thankful this girl (my cousin) wasn't hit too terribly.  She's probably annoyed with my frantic texts and phone calls, but I just had to be sure she wasn't blowing away or in need of a canoe like my pessimistic weather man was leading me to believe.   

3. I'm trying to organize myself.  The back to school supplies have provided some inspiration.  So far I haven't made much progress, actually I haven't done anything.  I'm hoping to sort out all the manuals for stuff that are taking over my house and get rid of some books that I've read and really don't need to hang on to.  We need to have like a blog book swap or something.  Anyone interested?

4. Meet Landry.  Our latest foster pug as of this weekend.  Why do they keep getting sweeter and more lovable?  We're smitten with this dog, especially my husband.  They've really bonded.  He's two and bless his heart is just so shy and timid.  He's just content to be near you.  I need a doggy Bjorn.  He does have some skin problems, which I'm not really familiar in dealing with so if you have any tips I'd be so grateful.  He's has some bald spots and some dryness.  I think a lot of that was caused by stress so I've already noticed a huge difference in a few days.  Pug is a little jealous, but really is getting along pretty good with him.  They make good napping buddies!


  1. Oh my goodness, Landry is adorable!!! I don't know how you give them up! It's amazing what y'all are doing though!

  2. totally mourning thursday's big brother also. ugh! that was the worst!! and i'm so not a dog person but if you keep up with the cute pics you might just sell me on pugs! ha! he looks like a total little sweetie!

  3. haha!!! I had to totally laugh because I kept saying the same thing about the phone call! :) LOVED Jordan freaked on her a bit!

  4. You are not alone with the big brother thing. I don't watch it, but after the multitude of tweets/facebook status about it, I feel like I should.

    Landry is so dang cute! I'm not realllly sure about skin problems, but I know vitamin e is good for dogs and skin.

  5. Oh, the BB rollercoaster!! Although after last night's episode, I kept saying, "I can't believe I'm actually pulling for Rachel"!!!! Best Pandora's box ever!

  6. Aww no worries! I was happy to get your calls and texts. Thanks so much for worrying about me. Love you!

  7. It is so wonderful that you guys are fostering again. Landry is a cutie. A few other pug bloggers have said that coconut flakes work really good for the skin and coat and their dogs gobble them up...yummy!

  8. Oh my gosh he is precious! Loving him lots, bless his heart with the skin issues. No fun. Like I metnioned before, try maybe adding a fish oil capsule to his food for a few days and see if the dandruff decreases.

  9. Look at the sweet little black pug! Oh, I love him!
    I'm right with you on Big Brother. She really made a stupid move, though. I'm ready for her to go!

  10. well, i'm sure i'm not helping, but the second i saw the pic of landry i decided you HAVE to keep him. he's just so stinking adorable. KEEP HIM!!

  11. Landry is so cute. I want a pug so bad!!! :) Does he have hot spots? Our golden has them bad and he loses his hair in spots because of them.(Sometimes they're really big spots that look so painful)

    And I would LOVE to do a book swap! I have so many books that I've read and now are just collecting dust. And I have a whole box of books in storage! Yikes!


  12. Hi there.)

    Oh, you ve got such a cute blog!! I love it!
    Nice post.))

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    Have you watched the MTV awards prizes?
    if yes whether you agree with all the awards, or something you think was unfair?

  13. Aw, Landry is adorable! I've always wanted a pug.
