
Friday, July 29, 2011

the sofa that was meant to be

once upon a time i began redecorating our upstairs game room.  with a crazy busy summer it's taking me a whole lot longer than my impatient self would like.

for the past few years this room, which i should add is the only room on the second floor, has been the "catch-all/man cave/dungeon" in our house.  it was embarrassing.  we have a fooseball table and an air hockey table up there, but they rarely got any use because you'd trip over christmas decorations or a box containing all my boys II men cd's just to get to them.  so it was time for a redo. 

a redo on the cheap i might add, because it is very hard to convince a frugal husband why the old oversized leather man chairs don't work in the space.

i knew i wanted something that fit the space and was comfy.  i fell in love with this sofa from ikea.  i loved the lounger on it, the price and the idea of being able to toss the slipcover in the wash.  i'm thinking future here and hopefully some kiddos will be jumping and spitting up on this thing one day, so i didn't want to fork out an arm and a leg.

i was hesitant on making the drive to ikea to pick it up and was tempted to just pay for delivery when i decided i'm going to check out craigslist.  y'all there was only one listing for this sofa and it just happened to be literally 5 minutes from my house.  that's crazy for how big the dfw area is.  also, the best part, the thing was brand flipping new.  they bought it, changed their minds and were selling it.  they hadn't even put the slipcover on yet.  my husband thought i had lost it.  he was so weirded out by this, but he lovingly obliged and hauled it home for me.

this sofa and i were meant to be i tell ya!  my steal of a deal sofa with some fun pillows i made and added.  hopefully, before the end of the summer i'll have the rest of the room finished!!


  1. Wow! Def meant to be! I absolutely love ikea. I just wish it weren't so far for us. I love your sofa! Hope you and the hubby and future kids :) enjoy it for many years! Now to keep the pugs off of it, right? :)

  2. Oh, that sofa looks so comfy! Perfect even before kids cause it's pug color! Ha! Have a wonderful weekend and try to stay cool!

  3. That sofa is gorgeous!!! It definitely sounds like it was meant to be :)
