
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

hodge podge of happenings

1. Hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day weekend!  We sure did.  We were blessed to spend it with both our dads.  I found this card for boy and just had to get it, so pug generously gave boy a card this year.  Love it!

2.  Boy's sweet grandmother went home to be with the Lord this past week.  Her home and graciousness just looked like it fell right out of a Southern Living magazine.  I've also never meet anyone that loved pink more than her.  I just had to share a picture of some of the flowers we brought home from the funeral.  They were absolutely gorgeous.

3.  You must try this recipe.  It's Lemon Buddies, kind of a summer take on Chex mix puppy chow.  I made some this weekend and it didn't last long.  Delicious!!

4. Boy is having sinus surgery Thursday.  I am a hot mess of nerves.  I know it's a simple outpatient procedure, but oh I hate seeing anyone in pain or being at hospitals either.  I think it's fair to say that I'm ready for June to be's been a long month.


  1. So sorry to hear about boy's grandma. Those flowers are just so pretty.
    PS. Love that card from pug!

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. (And you are EVIL for posting the Lemon Buddies. I might just have to break my "I don't cook much" facade and heat up my tiny kitchen for those babies.

  3. Praying for Boy! Pace has been in and out of the hospital for the past two months and I understand!!!! I'm praying!

  4. I am so sorry for your loss.

    But, those lemon buddies? look incredible!
